Title: TypeSolute Nepali Typing 1.0.0 / 2020 version
License: Freeware
Author: AppSolute Innovation
Requirements: Windows7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
Download any one of file below, extract zip file and run:
DOWNLOAD - TypeSolute Installer 52.9 MB
DOWNLOAD - TypeSolute Portable 73.5 MB
Also Visit collection of free windows softwares at one place: www.downloadnp.com
License: Freeware
Author: AppSolute Innovation
Requirements: Windows7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
Download any one of file below, extract zip file and run:
DOWNLOAD - TypeSolute Installer 52.9 MB
DOWNLOAD - TypeSolute Portable 73.5 MB
Also Visit collection of free windows softwares at one place: www.downloadnp.com